
Hi! My name is Andrea from Fossano in Piedmont, and I’m 21. I’m studying computer science at the University of Turin. During the first semester of 2022/23, I will study at the University of Klagenfurt in Austria as an international student.

I enjoy discovering new things, traveling worldwide, coding, and IT-related. I believe in a more tech and more connected world. Also, I’m interested in Artificial Intelligence and Big-Data.

Due to my passion for trips abroad and my interest in different cultures, one of my most important goals for the end of 2022/23 is to reach at least a 7.0 score on the IELTS test (actually, I’ve got a 6.0 score).

This blog will be about my adventures around the world, about curiosities, and related to the IT world.

In my todo list, there are:
– Graduate as soon as possible in Computer Science
– Learn German (reach at least A2 level)
– Reach C1 level in English
– Keep this blog alive